Vauxhall Omega 2.5 V6 cylinder head removal & rebuild
Camshafts and cam belt exposed.
Cams, followers and cylinder heads before cleaning.
Leaking cam cover gaskets can be a common problem, if the breather system hasn't been regularly cleaned.
The result is either the plug wells filling up with oil, or the exhaust manifold / heat shields burning
and smoking with dripping engine oil.
The engine block during the cleaning process.
Cleaning the exhaust manifolds, with oil cooler behind.
With the car stored outside in the open, the engine needed to be tarped over in case of rainfall between sessions,
with the scuttle assembly under the windscreen having been removed for better access to the engine bay.
Shown at an advanced stage of the rebuild.
The engine was successfuly started in December 2012, on the second turn of the key!
Vauxhall Omega 2.5 V6