
Vauxhall Vectra SRI 2.5 V6



Sara's Vauxhall Vectra SRI has been in the family since 2004, and has the same 2.5 litre engine as the silver Omegas, but with it shoe-horned in transverse front wheel drive.

As well as the usual servicing jobs associated with most cars, the Vectra has benefitted from replacement front shock absorbers and new coil springs all around (2012), and a new cambelt fitted in 2013.

As with most Vectras the rear end has suffered with water ingress, and after many hours of investigation and temporary repairs with insulation tape, there have been a number of places on the vehicle where problems occur. The rear quarter fixed window seals have been found to let in water, as have the numberplate surround and the rear windscreen wiper aperture. Clear silicone has been used in these areas to good effect, allowing the interior fittings to be reinstated without fear of getting wet again.

It was decided to declare the Vectra SORN during the summer of 2015 when its tax and MOT test ran out. Sara changed over to a younger car (about town style) more suited for the transportation of grandchildren. May 2016 - Vectra sold as a project car, in full working order with a 12 month MOT ticket.


Vauxhall Omega 2.5 V6