PETE JOHNSON         *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
PAUL JAMES         For some time now I had been looking for ways to convert my loco fleet
to EM gauge using the original wheelsets. You can buy scale wheelsets and wheels to
convert most locos, but the cost and availability of them in some cases led me to consider
other options. This and the improving standards of the wheels being provided by the RTR
manufacturers led me to look at turning down the wheelsets that came with the loco.
One thing I would recommend before starting this project is to remove the cab from the body
following the Heljan instructions provided. This will prevent any damage to the fragile fittings
on the cab roof.
The first thing is to remove the wheelsets from the chassis. This is the tricky
part as there is no obvious way to remove the keeper plate from the bottom of the chassis. I did
it by carefully leavering the keeper plate upwards by sliding a thin object, in my case a knife
blade (but be careful as I managed to break one off in the proccess) into the slot at the end of
the chassis.
Other recent conversions - In the case of the LMS Prototype Twins,
the original profile wheels are quite capable of just being spread on their axles without the need to
reprofile, and have run well on Shenston Road and Wibdenshaw. As I possessed an old but servicable Unimat
lathe and was reasonably competent with it, the first loco to be guinea pig was a Heljan Co-Bo. This loco
came with chunky flanges and was a useful learning curve on various techniques, and how the slightly finer
flanges look better and perform well through EM gauge pointwork.
There are other examples of wheel conversions using existing wheelsests, and affordable replacement
alternatives, details of which can be found in the Gallery / Projects section of the website.
KIER HARDY         *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
KEITH TRUEMAN         *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
PETE JOHNSON         *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
PAUL JAMES         *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
KIER HARDY         *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
PETE JOHNSON         *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
GREG BROOKES         *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
PETE JOHNSON         *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
The solution chosen was to press-mould these features in polystyrene. A bit of careful
work with a rat-tail file created a mould tool in a piece of 3 x 3 brass bar. This is then heated over
a gas flame and pressed into a strip of 30 thou plasticard rested on a steel block. Pressure is applied
using another steel block to avoid burnt fingers! After a few seconds the tool and plastic are dipped
into a bowl of water, and the impression created carefully split from the tool.
Nine brick fan mouldings ready for final cutting and shaping.
The basic brick panel before the arch and window sill bricks are added
A view on the back shows how off-cuts of brick plasticard are used to
create the required depth of the window surround.
A technique which really adds realism to brickwork modelling is filing
the mortar courses round any corners, as shown in this detail view. This is done using
a knife-edge file, one by one……and on these buildings there must be thousands!
A typical window on the building in Gloucester Docks which inspired the model.
The grain chute on the waterside face of the building has recently been completed.
This uses plank texture plasticard, with a bit of distressing of some timbers to add character.
A more general view of the building, showing the window panels in progress.
The elegant Victorian brickwork detailing of the gutter height region is also
being added, as the waterside face of the building nears completion.
Access points for keeper plate.
One end of the keeper plate lifted.
This should release the clips holding the plate in place, they are located either
side of the axles and are indicated by the red arrows. By carefully sliding a blade or thin
screwdriver along the chassis the remaining retaining clips should be released. Take care around
the drive axle as the gearwheel makes this part of the retaining plate the weakest and most likely
part to break. With the keeper plate removed, the wheelsets can be lifted out of the chassis.
I decided to tackle one pair of wheels at a time. This ensured I didn't mix up them
up and that they went back together in the correct positions, especially in relation to the coupling
Detach the wheelsets from the coupling rods by carefully pulling out the crankpin
retaining pins and putting to one side. Take care when doing this as it is very easy to bend the
ends of the coupling rods.
I decided to mount the wheelset in the lathe as a complete pair on the axle. This
would allow me to see how true the wheelset ran, and also that I would not have to re-quarter the
wheels as I would not have to put them back onto the axles. Experience has shown me that as long as
you are careful in positioning the wheel in the chuck and positioning the cutting tool perfectly
acceptable results can be achieved using this method. The RH wheel has yet to be turned. One further
action was to wrap a length of masking tape around the gear on the driven axle. This prevents swarf
from getting into the gears when turning.
Now to set the wheels to EM gauge I found the easiest way was to mount the wheelset
in a vice, loosely but ensuring the wheel is well supported, then with an old axle and a pin hammer,
carefully tap the axle through the wheelset very gently and a little bit at a time equally on both
wheels until the gauge is set. If you take your time and don't rush it then you should be able to get
even movement of each wheel on the axle. This is especially important on the geared axle where the
drive gear should remain central.
One thing about using the original axle is that it's slightly too short, so after
regauging this can be remedied with a bit of filler.
With the wheelsets now finished it can now go back into position with the coupling
rods. As well as the wheels, the jackshaft also needed to be opened out, not very far, just enough
to make its overall width the same as the wheelsets. Go too far and you run the risk of fouling the
cab footsteps or the balance weights.
You will also have to add washers on the axles behind the wheel to cut down on sideplay. I used
Peco 2mm fibre washers and as I had not removed either wheel from the axle, fitted them by cutting
through on one side and twisted out of shape to enable them to be fitted over the axles. Once
on the axle they could be returned to their original flat shape.
You will have to decide for yourself
on the number you put on each side, but after trials on Shenston Road I found 10 either side worked
best. The trials also showed the need to add washers to the jackshaft axle as well, and avoid
clearance problems with the cab footsteps.
The loco comes with the brakegear as a separate fittings so they need to be fitted
back with care so as not to foul the wheels. I did this by making packing pieces from 2mm x 1mm thick
plastic strip with holes drilled in to fit the brake shoe fittings and then glueing into position on
the chassis.
When the modified brakegear is glued back onto the loco, I found super glue the best,
the actuating rodding also supplied with the loco will now not be wide enough to fit between the brake
shoes. I looked at many options to correct this but in the end decided to cut out the center crosspieces
off the brake rodding and glue the pull rods onto the back of the brakeshoes. One advantage of this
was it allows the Keeper plate to be removed in the future oiling and the like. One thing I did before
fitting everything back together was to cut a couple of small notches in the ends of the Keep plate to
make it easier to get a small screwdriver in to lever it up in the future.
Attention will now turn to the body, especially filling in the big holes in the
bufferbeam. I'm not convinced about the area above the cabside windows and the rainstrip, so may
have a look at that in the future. I've now got another Class 14 to modify, and have already applied
the technique to a Bachmann kettle class 9F with pleasing results.
Conversion finished and almost ready to earn its keep.
This view of the approaches to the station area shows the camera posed at
ground level on a couple of blobs of Blu-Tac, resulting in the following image.
Deltic 9002 The King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry heads north with the Tyne-Tees
Pullman at Hornsey Broadway in 1970, whilst Cravens units go about their business on London suburban services.
Lima class 73 getting a new coat of blue paint.
Some pictures showing a repair I’m currently doing to a Lima VR - S class unit’s nose.
It lost an argument with a hard surface resulting in this damage.
A new surround is made from plastic pipe, and finished off with some modelling filler.
Now ready for the paint shop.
The back wall has had the positions for various pipes and vents sketched in pencil.
The main face of the waterside Downing building now has the brickwork complete,
the end wall panel is shown in progress.
Brickwork panels for the main Downing building are also underway. Some artistic
licence has been used on this building, with an extra floor and changed roof having been added for
part of the length.
Peak D1 and NB hydraulics on shed.
Looking pretty messy at this stage - my preferred medium is Humbrol enamels, so there are
longer waiting times before adding any more thinners or layers, and allowing the paint to harden.
With the roof painted dirty browny grey and a blend of different colours added to the bodyside,
the weathering process is starting to look a bit more like D826 JUPITER as she was in her final days. There's a combination
of previous livery colours, filler and primer starting to show through - the result of harsh chemical cleaning on
the prototype. Other classes of Western Region motive power also showed similar characteristics (Westerns & Hymeks).
The rather basic and overscale handrails on the front of the loco have been removed and
replaced with new ones fashioned from 0.33 brass wire, and a fresh coat of yellow paint on the ends. Numbers
and double arrow logos applied.
There's a very slight gap at the top of the cab side windows, so the glazing units are painted around
the frame to prevent unwanted shiny clear plastic showing. The apertures of the windows are also painted a dark
colour to prevent reflected light appearing around the edges of the windows.
With the body plonked on the chassis, I think this is about as far as I want to go with the
weathering - the desired effect having been captured in part. Still awaiting work on the engine room windows, and
a set of nameplates required.
Also on the work bench - a pair of Heljan class 47 loco's making slow progress. D1100 and 1932
showing initial weathering to the roof areas, and fitted bufferbeam detail highlighted.
Wibdenshaw appeared at the Preston exhibition on the 2nd & 3rd of March 2013.
The first two views show the bodyshell of the LNER ‘G5’ 0-4-4T mixed traffic tank after a
couple of days of fettling and soldering. The model is another of Alexander Models excellent whitemetal series,
and the finish and fit of the parts was superb.
A couple of weeks later, and the model was ready for some test running during Hartburn’s
appearance at the Warminster show. The mechanism is based around a Mashima motor and 60:1 worm/wheel set on
the rear driving axle. This combination fits entirely within the sidetanks, avoiding any intrusion into the
cab. Compensation has been added, and in combination with plunger pick-ups on all wheels should assure good
slow running.
A view with the livery application underway – my first ever attempt at a lined-out steam era
subject. The lining is from a Modelmasters sheet, and was easy to apply. Numbers by Fox, and crests from an
old PC Models sheet will complete the finish.
The final view shows the G5 ex-works ready for some light weathering. The model is finished
as 67341 which worked the final service train along the Rothbury branch in September 1952……The class were all
gone by the late 1950s and so will take Hartburn back into the earlier decade at the forthcoming York show
over the Easter weekend.
D1000 Western Enterprise detailed and with lifting rings fitted to the roof.
Showing the model straight out of the box (left) alongside D1000 (right) which has received
attention to the boiler ports (red arrows) and engine preheat ports (white arrow), instead of the vague
outline moulding. The buffers have also been retracted to the correct position (green arrow as supplied).
Improvements have also been carried out to the headcode boxes, with the black edge lining removed
to allow the correct size headcodes to be fitted (supplied from Heljan class 47 locos). Better security of the
cab front handrails will also be required, using the moulded pip in the middle.
Also relatively new to the fleet are a trio of Heljan class 47s, starting here with 1813 in blue
1674 Samson waits with a van train (wrong headcode) whilst D102 passes through the station.
1728 is a vacuum only example with the earlier style coolant group grills and Spanner boiler port.
A bunker end view showing the coal rails keeping the sighting from the rear cab
windows clear. Some examples of the class had a further, solid-sided, extension added above this,
but the modification was never fitted on ‘341.
After a wait of several months the BR Diagram 1/163 Ore hopper, B439222, has
been finished by the application of weathering using matt enamels. The wagon’s appearance is
modelled to a David Larkin photograph dating from the summer of 1969.