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Another snapshot for the album - D8242 & D8204 are seen on shed together.
9002 The Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry looking rather grubby
but not uncommon for a Gateshead allocated Deltic.
Photograph courtesy of Andy York - 9009 is seen at Hornsey Broadway as a class 501
trundles overhead.
Two completed points ready for laying. Composite construction for strength and reliability.
Point number 5 layed in position and ready for wiring to take place.
A view showing the cross-over in place.
A bit more work has been carried out on the class 22. The other class member is trailing
behind a bit, and awaiting a repaint into something more authentic than Dapol's representation of BR blue.
Other interests arrive on the work bench from time to time - plenty of Australian
HO scale models, and this British 00 gauge kettle starting to take shape.
Gloucester allocated D6320 waits in the loop with a southbound departmental train heading
back to Newland with amongst other things a Ruston & Hornsby PWM shunter in tow.
Recently into service is this Metro-Vic Co-Bo, on a Derby RTC working to
Shenston Road.
At Railex NE, J27 65819 takes a loaded coal train along the new embankment. In
one of those strange, wonderful, coincidences, whilst operating this loco on the Saturday a gentleman
watching the layout pulls out the works plate from his bag for the very same loco!
A single 16-tonner sits having been unloaded. The wagon was built by Pete
Johnson, the scales are merit and the open sack is a Dart Castings product.
J27 65860 runs along the extension with a mixed van train. The state of this
loco stirred memories in a lot of the watching public.
The layout set up and ready for action on the Saturday morning. The scenic section
is now around 10ft and allows for a nice trundle through the scenery between fiddleyards. It also
gives the operator that bit more time to turn trains around in the fiddleyard whilst one is in motion
on scene. It was certainly worth the effort, even if I was still bolting bits together on the Friday
morning before travelling to North Shields. In fact, the supporting leg for the new information screen
was fitted with the aid of a drill on the Friday evening! At least the paint was dry.
The excellent new name board for the layout, done at the Thornbury show earlier this
year. The layout received some very favourable comments at North Shields, with many saying how well
the essence of the rural Northumberland branchlines has been captured. Such kind comments made it all
worthwhile and I can only reiterate my thanks to everyone who has helped me, both with the building
and in providing information. Now just need to get the J21 and G5 done....
The sides of the openings are then trimmed closer to the finished size using a sharp
knife, before final smoothing with a file.
One of the finished panels, ready for window frames and assembly.
Assembly of the panels pictured on last month’s update, has also begun and allows the
overall layout of the building to begin to be appreciated.
After adding the electrical feeds to the rails, the whole area was given a blast of
Humbrol brown aerosol. The shed entrance roads have been initially ballasted with a mix of fine brown
and grey ballast, and will be further enhanced with chinchilla dust (a fine grit available from most
pet shops), as shown by the nearest sidings. A blend of diluted paint is then applied to enhance the
grime associated with loco stabling areas.
Showing the shed entrance roads with ballasting complete and awaiting weathering. The
gantry for unloading large Enparts is in place adjacent to the stores siding, and engine stop boards have
been fitted.
Unattended holes in a roof will only get bigger!
Plenty of surrounding clutter, including a rusty old oil drum.
The chosen vehicle for the builder is a Base Toys 'Sunblest' delivery van with a swapped dropside
body, suitably weathered and fitted with a dashboard and driver.
A selection of people have been assembled ready for painting and populating the area around the
station to emphasise what a busy place Hornsey Broadway is. There's a real mix of Prieser, Airfix and some
whitemetal figures, which have had their bases cut off and pins fitted to the legs. This method makes for easy
placement and handling during the painting stage, and for securing the figures to the pavements when finished.
The locomotive depot baseboard was shown at the Cheltenham model railway exhibition in October,
and this image was snapped by our roving reporter Steve Harrod from the top deck of a passing bus.
Excited with what was on shed, he quickly disembarked and managed a few more snaps. Western
Region NBL diesel hydraulic interloper is seen awaiting a trip back to Old Oak Common after working a transfer freight.
A brace of BTH type 1 locos D8242 & D8228 await their next turn of duty.
Eastern Region motive power undergoing maintenance inside the shed.
Hornsey Broadway featured in the Model Railway Journal No 218 (published on the 11th of October 2012).
The now corrected boiler exhaust port on 6320.....much better!
6320 recovers after its minor surgery in the parcels platform road, and now sporting its
modified boiler exhaust port. The loco is also sitting on its now re profiled and regauged wheel sets to EM
gauge, done for me by a good friend.
Having purchased some Hornby Mk2d coaches to go with my Deltic fleet some time ago, I
decided that they sat too high above rail level, and so didn’t look right. As seen here, the coach is
dismantled in readiness for the lowering process.
The Hornby bogie pivot securing method was discarded in favour of a metal screw to pivot
around instead. This requires the hole to first be filled in, in this case using some scrap sprue from a plastic
kit after which with a little sanding, was a nice fit.
The plastic plug now glued into position, and when dry will be drilled out to accept a fixing screw.
This photo shows the underside of one of its bogies about to have the centre pivot hole
rim removed by a chisel knife. This is done in order to glue a plate flush on the underside that will accept
a fixing screw through to the chassis. Thumbs, digits and other appendages well out of the way for this operation!
Job done, and back on rails. On the left can be seen the unmodified Mk2d coach compared to the
now lowered item. All that is needed now is to re number it for east coast services, and some light weathering.
In this close-up some of the ground floor detailing is shown, but still with much to add.
……and the wife says I never help with painting the window frames!? After prepping with white
enamel, the set of frames for the building are seen drying. These are brass etches by Geoff Taylor. Click
here to visit the GT Buildings website which
illustrates the vast range of architectural etches, and galleries featuring many of Geoff's completed buildings.
The company name on the building has been marked out in pencil ready for painting. The
R&W Paul Ltd building was long a landmark of the Ipswich waterfront, and is the basis for this model. In the
1960s it also featured several times as a backdrop for diesel shunter publicity pictures. Canada Street, as
Canada Road did before it, makes use of real buildings from various locations around Britain as a source of inspiration.
The dockside loading structure has now been clad in Slater’s corrugated texture plasticard, but
still lacks the roof apex strips and downpipes.
Whilst out and about this old Freightliner container was spotted at the side of a lorry park, along with
other redundant containers.
An ideal corner filler for any layout.
Meanwhile the Victorian brick-built Downing building is beginning to be covered in English bond texture from the
Slater’s range. The raised details are being added first, with the base level panels being trimmed to fit between
these when the time comes.
The bridge for the Downing building is virtually complete and about ready for painting. The main covering is 2mm
clapboard by Evergreen, with plain sheet of various thicknesses and I-beam section used for other parts.
Plank-end lines have been scribed onto the clapboard, and some planks cut away to reproduce the dereliction
found on the inspiration for this building which stands empty in Gloucester Docks. The roof slates are made using
strips of 10 thou, scribed at the slate width before cutting, and then laid overlapped as on a real roof.
Detailing of the Paul’s dockside loading structure has now been completed. This view shows some of the gutter
and downpipe arrangement.
Another view of the same structure, showing the window frame and cladding fasteners. The frame has been made
using overlays of microstrip, and the fasteners by using a sharp needle angled in from below. It is hoped that
the weathering paint will pick out these dimples to give an authentic look.
A view of the Downing building on Merchants Road, Gloucester. This and other views of the Gloucester Docks
(before redevelopment) can be found in the Prototype section of the website.
Enamel paints were used exclusively for the Lowmac, and also to apply the effects of a knocked
about appearance. The wooden blocks sitting on the deck were cut from lengths of North Eastern Models - scale
lumber. This product has a fine grain and so is suitable for small scale modelling. Dirty turps straight from
the jam jar and with a dash of matt black was used to colour the blocks. The chain is 27 links to the “inch” and
is attached to D shackles that I have bent up from thin wire, then linked to metal rings fixed into the deck ends.
The current scene looking down on Lesney Park’s yards. All six turnouts from the original plan
have now been assembled from the C&L ‘kit in a bag’ components, and are fixed down to the layout. I have since
decided to add just one more point to create an extra siding. The location of this is to the area seen on the
right hand side where loosely placed track sections are shown, and a paper template shows the location for the
added turnout.