In contrast here is 48045 (for a client) with the curved reversing rod and the Fowler tender.
There’s quite a story behind this Stanier period 3 corridor 3rd coach. I have a number of
RTR coaches on the layout, running at present in straight out of the box condition, pending
eventual detailing etc. Of these, several have the ‘glue around the glazing’ issue which
will need to be addressed. This particular example was picked up on the bring and buy stall
at a local show for a tenner, which I considered a bargain, but…. Yes, it did have slightly
cloudy glazing for some reason, which I thought I could probably polish out with Brasso.
But no, it could not be rectified.
Then at another event I bought a pair of just the
coach bodies, first class this time, in LMS livery, with a view to using these as donor
glazing. Good plan, although likewise some had glue marks around the glazing, but from the
two I managed (just) to get enough windows to re-glaze the original coach. The 1st Class
curtains were polished out with cotton buds and Brasso, and being of course a different
window configuration, they all had to be separated. Then the entire area apart from the
windows themselves, was painted inside and out with a Teak colour. Before fitting back to
the model. I then looked into addressing the matt finish – the coaches, when outshopped
at least, would have been in gloss. Amazingly, the Brasso/cotton bud treatment transformed
the finish and I just had to re-line and number using Fox transfers. With the glazing
re-fitted, to my eye, it now looks a lot better.
So, for my stash of RTR coaches, it will eventually be a case of making a similar
re-working for those that can be thus refined; the residue would then be used as a basis
for rebuilding with Comet sides – if nothing else, the underframe and bogies are perfectly
fine and run well, with the Hornby Wheels re-profiled with a file in the mini-drill……

Thoughts have now turned to getting Kendal’s Cowans & Sheldon turntable commissioned. Here
can be seen the turntable deck, the stepper motor/gearbox unit, its mounting made from 80-thou
styrene, and the MERG turntable drive controller. The little brass bushes are for connecting
the deck up to the gearbox drive axle. These were fashioned from some suitable-sized brass
tube, washers and 8BA nuts. It was found that tightening the screws hard down would cause the
soldered joints of the nuts to fail, so pieces of fret waste have been used to make little
wrap-around ‘straps’ to guard against this. Hopefully more progress on this next month……


After a break from the Class 104 project, I've turned to the bodies - reprofiling the
bodysides and removing that horizontal ridge, as well as the roof vents and window
surrounds. The interiors have been modified so the partitions are see-through, rather
than the solid bulkhead featured by Hornby. A luggage area instead of the last 2 seats
is about the only other change to the interior... even if some of the 2+3 seating is
handed differently between the Class 104 & the 110 donor. Shown here after a basecoat
awaiting decoration.

Jonny's 3D printed cab ends are designed to suit the bodyshell as produced, so a little
reprofiling is required in this case. Doorways rescribed and replacement roof vents fitted.

After a light primer coat the sides have been marked out for the hinges, and holes
drilled ready for the door and grab handles.

Electro-Diesel E6107 at Hornsey Road depot with visiting SR General Manager's saloon Caroline,
the latter being a recent addition to the Shenston Road fleet from Revolution Trains.
As delivered, it was sitting too high on its bogies and is shown here after being lowered.

Deltic 55017 The Durham Light Infantry at the head of an Anglo-Scottish Motorail service.
This is a sound fitted Accurascale model from the Shenston Road fleet, and footage of
this locomotive can be found in the video below.

Various video clips from recent running sessions have been uploaded to Youtube. Please
click on the above image to view the latest videos.