PETE JOHNSON         The finish / look of weathered wooden bodied wagons is about the most difficult to achieve! All
paint is Humbrol (or Revell) matt enamels, mixed and applied with a brush. The plank colour would
have started as pale grey (Humbrol 13?) which I often use for unfitted wagons. This is then
darkened with a little black (33) and tinted with a little dark earth (29) to give just a slight
suggestion of brown. These colours are mixed on the lid of an empty paint tinlet such that the
amount of black can be varied slightly into the final colour applied.
The planks were painted in a general grey from this mix, and with this still wet I carefully
overpainted some planks with a fractionally darker (or lighter) version of the colour - carefully
painting within the limits of the single plank. Finally some attempt at knots and grain was
made using a fractional darker version of the colour applied by a dry-brushing sort of method with
an old stiff brush that could give very fine lines (for the grain). Getting the slight shade
variations between different planks is probably the most important element to suggesting bare
wood planking.
The (rusty) metal framing was then carefully picked-out in a mixture of Revell matt No. 84 and
matt black. After the finish had dried (for several days), I would have lightly applied a 33 + 29
grime mix on top, either as a paint which is then mostly removed with white spirit and kitchen paper,
or as a thinly applied tinted matt varnish. This gives the dark shading of the grooves between
planks and grime into the corners of the metal framing. The interior or floor of almost all BR
open wagons was wood planked and I use a similar method for those.
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D2444 uses the second Class 06 bodyshell of the batch-built pair from the
early 80s. This time the loco is finished in a mid-sixties appearance, complete with nose-end
ladder for access to the bonnet top. Just a single example of the class survived to preservation,
and that only by fortune of working as Reading signal works pilot for several years, after all
others had been reduced to scrap north of the border.
Another view of D2444 showing the pair of badges carried on one side of the
bonnet. The access door positions were interchangeable and several photos show class members
with up to three badges side-by-side – plain doors must have been swopped onto engines going
to works for blue paint, allowing the surviving green locos to collect extra badges!
D2954 is the smaller Barclay 0-4-0 type, tagged Class 01 under the BR TOPS
system. From a class of four service locos and one similar departmental example, two were to
adopt TOPS numbering at the isolated Holyhead Breakwater railway. Both locos at Holyhead were
scrapped in-situ in 1981, but the other two service locos are now preserved thanks to periods
in industrial use. D2954 became 01 001 but was never to run with this number, instead providing
parts for sister 01 002. The model shows the loco in 1961 condition, and it was the photograph
that inspired this livery which also lead to ‘Canada Road’ being built to showcase various shunter types.
A portrait shot of another of the original Canada Road locos, 02 003 is again
scratch-built mostly in polystyrene. Just three of this small dock-shunting type lasted long
enough to carry TOPS numbers, and were unusual for having no badges applied on the green livery
after renumbering. I was fortunate to catch all three on Allerton depot shortly after operation
ended (see prototype photos area) but have only ever seen one picture of a TOPS numbered example
shunting wagons. If any reader knows where there may be more photos of the type at work from that
era please let me know.
Another model that has been pictured in progress OMWB, but not in finished
condition, is 37 046. Based on the Bachmann product, the livery and weathering is to a photograph
from 1977 when ‘046 was beginning to be unusual for retaining frost grills protecting the main radiators.
A close up of nose-end detail on 37 046 showing the reworked windscreens, headcodes, and buffers to good effect.
B477182 is a Dia 1/034 ‘Highfit’ modelled to a Paul Bartlett photograph. Originally
built without vacuum brake, this wagon would most likely have been delivered new with unpainted
timbers except for the black patches for the number. When converted to fitted brakes, the largely
unpainted finish has remained, with only patch painting of bauxite on the upper planks. After some
30 years in service the timber had weathered to a grey appearance and the model attempts to reproduce
this look. The stencil style numbers are shown in close-up and are from a Fox sheet intended for
air-braked wagons.
B276453 is a re-bodied standard 16 ton mineral wagon such as produced in large
numbers by the Horwich wagon works, and elsewhere, during the 1970s. The model is based on the
Airfix kit with a bit of tweaking to remove the upper doors and adjust the framing pattern accordingly.
B579316 is a well rusted Coal 16VB typical of the fleet in the late 1970s when
the elimination of non-vacuum braked examples was well underway. The model again makes use of
the Airfix kit with transfers from an old MTK sheet.
A rarely seen loco in the fleet is Warship number 821 ‘Greyhound’. Based around
the Mainline bodyshell, a Lima motor bogie is fitted, but stretching the wheelbase of this unit
2mm, to the correct 10’ 6”, has had a bad effect on the running qualities. It is planned to replace
this bogie with a smooth running kit-built product allowing the model to see more use on the layout.
Another of the rarely seen Canada Road locos from the 1980s is GWR pannier tank
8779. This made use of the Perseverance chassis kit with a Portescap motor, and a much adapted
Hornby bodyshell – including cutting it down the centreline to correct the width! (amongst other
improvements). Although more true scale r-t-r models of the type are now available, 8779 still
gets the odd trip out on the layout, and may see more use now the new green 03 is available as a running mate.
D8204 and D8242 are seen at Hornsey Road MPD holding sidings awaiting their next turn
of duty. These Heljan locos are basically out of the box, with the detail parts fitted, and converted
to EM gauge using the original wheels by turning 0.010" off the back face. It is interesting to note
that in the majority of cases, the headcode discs were folded up when closed, and this involves
drilling a hole in the half-discs supplied with the model. Livery notes and details have been compiled
on the class 15s when in service with BR - please see the prototype section of this website.
Another Heljan model has recently been on the work bench, this time a class 33 -
number 6572. Again, it is basically an 'out of the box' model with the detail parts fitted and finished
off with weathering. This class of loco were all allocated to the southern region of BR, but could
often be found north of the river on inter-regional workings.
This pair of Heljan class 47s typify the early 1970s, with them both wearing two-tone
green livery with full yellow ends (GFYE).
47091 'Thor' was a particular favourite, as it hauled a mystery trip (ending up at Margate),
sometime during the mid '70s, and was in a filthy external condition.
1665 'Titan' is another Western Region favourite, and weathered to a photograph of it
C1971. The bogies had undergone a recent fracture inspection by the look of things, quite a common
feature on the class 47s at the time.
The basic shell is seen here completed, and ready for additional brickwork detail to
be added. Due to the unusual boundary position and close proximity to the milk depot, the rear upper
rooms will have skylights.
The basic structure is now complete, with enamel colours applied by brush and allowed to dry.
The next stage will be the weathering, introducing different colours and highlights. A advert hoarding
board will be made and affixed to the side of the building, and a replacement advert printed.
A view looking along Hornsey Road towards the loco depot, showing the Merchants
house on the left. The upper part of the blue-brick tunnel abutments can be seen beyond the van,
and is at the limit of the 'cut and cover' section of railway beneath the road. Beyond that
(and 50 feet below the depot), the tracks head towards Finsbury Park in a deep bore tunnel.
There's always a few extra details to add, but the scene is just about complete.
Here are the supports for the cattle crossing bridge. Measurements were taken of a
surviving example on the Border Counties line just north of Bellingham and this is being used as a
basis for a similar bridge on Hartburn. The hut is by Wills, well actually two kits combined to
produce a taller chimney. Microstrip has been added to the sides to match the standard pattern on the Borders lines.
The other loading dock on the layout. Construction follows the same pattern as for
the end dock. The cattle wagon is a Bachmann example which still has to undergo the conversion to EM
gauge. The bare board in the foreground is where the main platform will go.
The station building for Hartburn is nearing completion, and is being constructed
by Pete Johnson - it makes a change to model something without wheels! In this view the
second chimney is being prepared for fitting. The building is based on North British Railway
stations from the borders region, in particular the structures that were at Brinkburn and Ewesley.
These were built mainly of wood, with the vertical plank joints weatherproofed by external battens.
Another view at the same stage showing the slate roof, modelled using Slaters
moulded plasticard, cut and assembled in strips. A few of the slates have been distressed slightly
to give character to the building.
An internal view showing the basic arrangement of 60 thou plasticard used for the walls,
with additional 80 thou pieces added as roof stiffeners. The battens were added using 10 x 20 microstrip,
with 10 x 40 microstrip used for the window surrounds. Slaters brick plasticard overlays have been used
for the foundations and chimneys.
A ground level view of the finished building prior to painting. One door has been
modelled slightly open to bring life to the station. The window frames were adapted from a Walthers
HO factory kit, and the chimney pots were turned from 3mm diameter sprue offcuts from the scrap box.
After shaping to a taper, the top of the plastic rod was then pressed against a hot knife blade to
create the lip at the top of the pot.
Another view of the completed building showing the narrow window, and chimney
brickwork incorporated into the end wall. The lead flashing for the chimneys was cut from 5 thou
plastic sheet, and the same material was used for the framing on the two doors.
This lever frame cabin for Hartburn is also being built by Peter Johnson, and
is shown here nearing completion. These small square buildings with a pyramid-style slate roof
were another characteristic feature of stations in Northumbria. This model is based on the one
at Brinkburn, which featured timber construction on a brick plinth.
Another view of the frame cabin. The slate roof uses the same Slaters sheet as
per the station, with 5 thou strip and 35 thou rod used for the lead flashing. The walls are 80
thou plastic, with vertical planking engraved into the surface. The window frames are again from
the HO factory kit, but with the framing adjusted to match the pattern shown in photographs of
Brinkburn and Angerton. At Brinkburn, by the 1960s, the view from both windows was completely
blocked by adjacent buildings.
The goods shed for Hartburn is shown ready for painting. This model is again
based on the one at Brinkburn, which had corrugated metal construction with wooden sliding doors.
80 thou sheet was used for the basic shape, before being covered with Slaters corrugated sheet.
The door and gutter fittings were added using a variety of plastic sections and thicknesses.
These two views show the completed station building group before painting. The
arrangement planned for Hartburn is similar to that at Brinkburn at the time the line was closed.
All these buildings had been demolished by the early 1970s, although the nearby station-masters
house still survives today.
This view shows the alignment of the double track main line below, and the down-slow
line crossing at near ground level. It's constructed from plywood with added styrene profile sections,
to represent the steel and concrete structure.
A drivers-eye view of our train about to enter Hornsey Tunnel (525 yds) on the last leg
of our Journey from Leeds, whilst a Peak heads north on a Doncaster Division bound train. The inset
picture was taken by Paul James, and shows a similar
structure re-built in the 1970s to accomodate the catenary.
Here's 5080 in early 1970s blue livery, a Midland Region loco which can be seen from
time to time, having worked down the coast from Aberystwyth. I wasn't happy with the roof profile
of this Bachmann model, so this was a bit of a test to see if anything could be done to improve the
appearance of the front end. Other work carried out, included correcting the panels on the roof,
and removing part of the valances around the tanks. This feature was common at the time with a lot of
Crewe allocated locos.
There's a good selection of English Electric type 3 power to be seen in the area, as
shown here by 6886 circa 1971 fitted with Heljan snowploughs. These 3 bachmann models were done a
while back, and the main work carried out was to try and improve the nose ends, along with adjusting
the lamp brackets to suit each loco, and fitting handrails to the nose and cab doorways.
This is 6889 circa 1971 with 'Cararama' Mini headlamps fitted. 'Craftsman' etched cab
windows and 'Shawplan' fan and grills are fitted to all 3 locos.
6999 will probably be renumbered at sometime at it is a bit too late for the period
I'm modelling. Since doing the detail conversions, Steve Nicholls produced some cast resin ends to make
the job a lot easier, and Brian Hanson has brought out the 'Extreme Etchings' range of parts.
Metro-Cammell class 101 DMU M51196 (paired with M56354 circa 1968-1972), The Newquay and
Aberaeron passenger services were operated and supplied by units from Aberystwyth, although the Aberaeron
trains later gave way to Western Region allocated sets. This is an old Lima model I detailed a few years
ago, and detailing work includes fitting 'Craftsman' parts to the bufferbeam, cutting away excess chassis
sections from the DMBC, and removing cantrail sections. It has the standard Lima pancake motor which gives
excellent control and slow steady running, albeit a bit growly. Who needs DCC-sound, when it comes as standard
on Lima models and sounds propotionate to the load!
Back to the remaining Hymeks now, and saving my favourite locos for last. Heljan made a lovely
job of this, but there's always some detailing and customising to do on any model. Replacement buffers have
been fitted, as have etched cooling fans and grills, and numbers / worksplates by 'Shawplan'. The cab windows
have also been flushglazed to improve the front end appearance. This picture shows 7027 circa 1969.
Where appropriate, the fitting of lower cab door handles has been carried out, as shown
here on D7007 circa 1970.
D7092 as seen fitted with ploughs circa 1969.
The West Highland based layout hasn't been forgotten, and a recent session resulted with
the fleet of class 26 and class 27 locos through the workshops. Here's D5307 circa 1969-1971, a Heljan model with
additional detailing work to include replacement oval buffers, and modification of the bogie steps to incorporate
the pronounced angle (by just cutting and gluing back together). Other work involved fitting leaf springs,
filling the tablet catcher recess, and adding extra cantrail grilles (as carried by the first twenty locos
in this class).
I believe the 1st class seats are not as rounded as the 2nd class, so have
left alone. Further work is required on the interior such as new seat / partition colours but
that is for the future along with other detailing work.
DTC M56475. Having bought a class 105, the challenge was how to prototypically
run it on Wibdenshaw, as the units were not common in the Leeds & Bradford area. I do remember
travelling on '105s in the North West around Manchester, and these could have worked across to
Wibdenshaw. Those were power-twin sets allocated to Newton Heath, some originally starting out
as 3 car sets. The Bachmann model is a power-trailer set, so a bit of research revealed that
Newton Heath had a couple of Driver Trailer Composites as replacements for Driving Motor
Composites that had gone to Tyseley in the mid 1970s.
DMBS M50762. Further research showed that some vehicles started to go
through works in late 1976, losing their headcode boxes and appearing with modified exhausts,
as depicted by the Bachmann model. A search on the net found photographs of two vehicles to model,
DMBS M50762 and DTC M56475. Some careful scraping with a slightly blunt knife blade removed the
existing numbers to enable renumbering.
With some pursuasion the destination blinds came apart and the original decals
were removed with white spirit and a cotton bud, as were the decals in the second mans window.
More detailing and finishing will be required before its outing at Wigan in December.... as well
as the debut appearance of the Trans-Pennine class 124.
After a long break, work has resumed on the class 124 Trans-Pennine DMU, and
it will be making its debut appearance at the Wigan model railway exhibition in December 2010.
The original idea for powering the 6-car rake was to use a pair of Tenshodo motor bogies,
one mounted in each of the MBS vehicles, and weight added accordingly. Experience with the
new generation Hornby motor bogie has proved its worth in previous DMU projects, so this idea
has been adopted due to ease of removal and ruggedness.
The required hole for the motor bogie could just be cut in the Bachmann chassis
without compromising the sides, and a new bogie mounting bracket was added. The low profile allows
weight to be positioned directly above the bogie. The coach interiors add to the rigidity
of the model, so removal of internal parts needs its compensations by means of additional strength,
especially as sections and trussing have been removed.
This coach interior started life as part of a corridor 2nd, but two compartments to
the left have been given up for the brake section, and the toilet areas have been moved to suit the configuration
of a class 124 MBS. The lead weight situated in the vestibule is to compensate for the weight at the
motor end of the coach, so it doesn't tippytoes at one end.
Now turning to the underframe detail. On the class 123 I had used a lot of parts from
a Lima class 117 chassis, and a study of photographs showed that the Trans-Pennine underframe was very
similar in layout. Another Lima chassis was sliced up and the parts positioned as shown.
The four main things that determine the position of components on the chassis are the
engines (DC Kits whitemetal), and the fuel tanks which are modified 'Southern Pride' battery boxes. The
radiators and other components have been salvaged from Lima chassis. There are still the final pieces to
fit, such as exhaust pipes and wiring conduit.
A general view of the station building group with painting completed. This view
can be compared with the unpainted condition shown on last month’s update.
The lever frame cabin is again based on Brinkburn, and looks to have had all-over
brown paint, from the BR brown and cream finish of the 1950s. Matt white has been blended into
the brown to reproduce the fading and neglect appropriate for the mid 1960s.
The finish on the small goods shed has been based on photographs of Brinkburn
station soon after closure. Rust is beginning to get a hold on the roof, but the walls and
door remain in better condition.
The station building for Hartburn is shown after painting. The layout models the
final years before closure of a Northumbrian branch line, so a neglected appearance with faded
paint has been created using matt enamels.
This and the following 3 photographs were taken at the recent Cheltenham
exhibition, showing the station buildings in place.
Regular Canada Road motive power type 2 passes through on a short freight.
A member of the Young Farmers Club waits patiently on his tractor at the crossing gates.
Apologies for showing a kettle within these pages, but it was a nice shot with the
sunlight streaming down on the scene.
Another view of the finished Trestle-AA, this time showing the chain tightening shackles
at the back of the wagon. These make use of the excellent Roxey etched product.
W123971 is a GWR ‘Mogo’ van, built using the Ratio kit, completed as it appeared in
1964. BR retained the GWR wagon code for the type, and the loader has helpfully chalked the suggested
end for unloading to judge by ‘OUT’ and the arrow!
B914007 is the Single Bolster to Dia 1/402. It has been finished to a late 1960s
appearance, when still in revenue traffic.
B910420 is the Dia 1/400 bolster, again finished to a typical 1960s rusted condition.
Both these bolster wagons went on to become internal user stock on dock railway systems in Scotland
and South Wales, and were photographed in that condition.
D1056 'Western Sultan' (c 1969). Although the Heljan model has been heavily criticized,
it is still by far the best model to start detailing and although it still has a few issues hopefully It'll
pass a Western to most modellers. Work carried out included removing horn cowls with a razor saw, once done
the cab roof and the offending peak could be filed to a more pleasing curvature, before the horn cowls were
refitted. The fan grilles were replaced with etched replacements from Shawplan, but the original Heljan walkways
were retained, the front valances were modified using the whitemetal replacements from Shawplan, whilst the
buffers are from Craftsman Models. The brake gear used the brake shoes from the Heljan kit, but using brass
for the brake linkages, this has given more turning circle than standard and although It wouldn't go around
the tightest of radius's, It's more than ample for my needs, I do have a set of Brassmaster etching's which
I may look at using part of for the next loco. Wheels are from Black Beetle with the four holes drilled out
in each wheel, although the Ultrascale conversion would be a much easier route, but these were to hand at the
time and have done the job just as well. Name and numberplates are again from Shawplan.
1200 'Falcon' (circa 1973/4). A Hejan model with additional detail work, such as
removing mould lines, fitting handrails on roof panels, moving placement of hole just below exhaust
ports slightly, fitting front valances directly to body and fitting angled chassis members from
valance to just below the cab doors, this also involved fileing some of the chassis away to allow
clearance for the body to still be fitted. Other work included subtle changes to the cab fronts
and flush glazing the front windows, fitting a grill on one side where the middle engine room
window once was, a modification done when the loco received it's BR blue livery at Swindon Works.
Finally the tanks were cut up and modified with bits of plasticard too make them look more
prototypical. Falcon crests and works plates were from Fox Transfers and Romford 14mm wheels
were used to regauge the loco to EM.
D9508 (circa 1968). Heljan/Hattons model, a reasonable amount of work was carried out on this
loco, but well worth the work I feel. The cut out on the buffer beam where the coupling came through was filled
with plasticard and filler, but whilst I did this the buffer beam protrudes to far forward. So I have cut them
off first and moved them and the front of the footplate back to a more prototypical position, this does mean you
loose those ghastly working lights, but this was not a problem to me personally, I also filled the gap between the
buffer beam and steps with a piece of plasticard, which seemed to be missing at one end. Other work carried out included
moving up the rainstrip on the cab roof, smoothing the rivet detail around the cab windows to be less prominent
and filling the indent on the engine room door, a modification not carried to all the class. Numbers were supplied
by Cambridge Custom Transfers and the EM wheelset Is the Ultrascale conversion.
Here's a trio of shunting locos under construction by Trevor Hale, the
etched brass kits being produced by 'Judith Edge', and will be fitted with 'High Level Kits'
gearbox units and Mashima motors.
This North British loco was introduced in 1953, and the class (D2703 - D2707) were
fitted with Paxman 200BHP engines and hydraulic transmission.
Andrew Barclay 204BHP 0-4-0 diesel-mechanical shunter introduced in 1958 (D2410 -
D2424), later to become BR class 06.
Another North British diesel hydraulic shunter (D2745 - D2780). This type of loco
was fitted with a M.A.N. 225BHP engine, and introduced in 1957.
The interior detail has been constructed and is ready for assembly, and then the underframe
will be lightly weathered.