Green D5204 was modelled to a picture from 1965, and reflects the era before depot washing
plants were common, and locomotive cleaning in general had been minimised in an attempt to cut costs. This
particular loco would have carried the GSYP livery from new, and retained it until 1969 at least, but would
have probably had self-adhesive datapanels applied around that time.
D5204 is pictured again, this time running through Easington Lane station, with the Blue Circle
depot busy in the background and a Met Cam 101 awaiting the timetable. The weathering of the bodysides was done
with Humbrol matt varnish heavily tinted with a mix of matt Dark Earth and Black. This was applied with a brush,
and worked to remove any obvious brush strokes before it dried. As it dried, the windows, yellow panels, and
other small areas, were selectively ‘cleaned’ with a smaller brush or cotton buds loaded with clean white
spirit. I find this technique works best if completed quickly, and in quite large panels, to avoid ‘tide lines’
between work areas. It is definitely one to practice on scrap stock before attempting a prized model. Overall
it worked well on D5204, and the final effect captures the character of the prototype I feel.

A BR class 08 in black livery for the 'Hartburn' layout. Having been inspired
by a picture of D3052 in Steve Jordan's excellent shunter book 'The Liveries of the BR Standard Diesel Electric
Shunters in Colour (52-96)', a black 08 with wasp stripes it had to be.

The loco is a Darlington built example, and was delivered as new in black livery in 1956. The
model itself is a Hornby 08 fitted with the Ultrascale conversion pack. The project was started and finished
the week before Easington Lane appeared at the Wakefield show in November 2009, and these 2 views show the
loco posed at various points on the layout during that weekend. It requires some tweaks to the pick-ups and
some replacement couplings to finish.

Here's a handy use for the plastic boxes that Oxford diecast road vehicles
come in. Once glued together, and some styrene strip applied, they make up into a good
representation of a gas works cooling tower.

For my later period of running (sectorisation), a new addition to the fleet is
this ViTrains class 37. It would be good if ViTrains started producing the earlier style of body
suitable for 1960s / 1970s running (same goes for their class 47).

A mock up of the 'down' fly-over at Hornsey, with a Cravens DMU on a service to Cambridge.
Thanks must go to Paul James and Greg Brookes for their input towards the final plan, and building a few points.

Looking west towards the station, with the Temple Mills / Stratford tracks coming in
from the right. The fly-over and cut-under will both be 3 rail for running the Watford - Broad Street
direct service using class 501 EMUs.

In the meantime, further progress has been made with the Cravens units. The door
hinges have been fixed to the bodyside with superglue. Bodyside handrails are also fitted at this stage, except
those around the cab (it makes masking off easier on a flat surface).

The bodies were spray painted with Railmatch aerosol. The roofs still need vents adding,
and the positions have been marked out with a drill hole.

The bodyside numerals and logos have been added, as have the headcodes and destination blinds.

The destination blinds have been made by photographing a full size DMU blind, and
reducing in size on the computer, printing and sticking. This ensures the correct typeface and spacing is used.

This is the cleared area of the scrap yard ready for the new development. A pile of old
cars as per the Sweeney episode of years gone by. It will probably be about four cars high but will need
some kind of grab-equipped excavator to get them up there. Hence the little initial project - the Hymac 580B.

This is the Motorart 1/87 scale Volvo excavator after some early dismantling - cab
interior, engine details and engine cover removed. A lovely little model. It is to be a none-too-accurate
representation of the classic 1960/70s Hymac 580B.

All the body work has now gone and the first cuts into the metal to remove the cab base
- on the Hymac it is on the opposite side.

Looking from the other side with the remodelled cab interior - seat raised to suit a
1/76 figure. The original cab glazing, although rather narrow, is going to form the basis of the new cab.

The new cab, not accurate but this is just a representation, sat in place. In the
background is an image of the real thing. I have another pic with the lower front window on a well-used
machine, boarded up - I'll use this idea as the original glazing is too shallow.

One of the other cranes in the scrap yard is a former Matchbox Jumbo Iron Fairey crane.
As per the original toy with some new details. A nice little model and very accurate too.

Work has recommenced on Hartburn. The ballasting is now complete. This was done using C&L
ash ballast which was then sprayed with a colour matching a piece of ballast retrieved from the trackbed
between Rothbury and Brinkburn. There were some issues with the ballast lifting in places following a
second application of diluted PVA but thankfully this has been restricted to those areas that are effectively
off-scene. This effect can be seen in the foreground of this image. I'm still not quite sure whether the ballast
is really fine enough, but it does match some 2mm ballast I have on the shelf so we'll have to judge by the
overall effect. The buffer stop is of North British pattern by Mike's Models.

The formers for the scenic embankment have started to go in using a basic frame of thick card
overlaid by a lattice of thinner material. This will then be covered using a Gaugemaster mat, simply to cover
the frame.

The embankment will then be overlayed with hanging basket liner, stuck face down with
the backing removed later to give the depth required. The riveted mineral comes courtesy of Tony Wood.

This shows the two stages of ground covering. The section nearest the camera is from
the Gaugemaster Autumn Grass mat and is fixed straight to the cardboard frame. I used the mat simply as
I had a roll on the shelf and it seemed the least messy way of covering the frame. The section further
away shows the second stage where the basket liner has been glued onto the mat. It has still to be
combed and trimmed (now where did I put my hairdressers phone number). The basket liner was from Focus
DIY and is branded Gardman Easy Liner.

An ex-LNER fish van stands in front of the new embankment. I picked this up on a
second-hand stall some time ago, requiring weathering to complete.

The grassy tuft in the foreground is from the Silfor range.

A final shot showing the difference between the Gaugemaster mat and the basket liner.
The liner will be left that colour so that the colour tones fit with the ballast.

The first J27 for Hartburn, complete and on test. The opportunity was taken to run
it on Easington Lane when it appeared at the Jarrow show in 2009. It was used to shunt both the
factory and the cement terminal and ran extremely well. Built from the Dave Alexander kit, we were
fortunate to have Dave himself pass his eye over it during the show, and thumbs were duly raised. I’m
indebted to Peter Johnson for building this and 2 other locos for the new layout.

The tunnel mouth has been built for Hornsey Broadway, and show the 1930s single bore
alongside the original Victorian twin bore. The structure is scratchbuilt from plastic card, and painted
and weathered to represent engineering blue brick construction.

Some more architectural modelling - this time a brace of buildings which will back onto
the loco depot headshunt. To the left is a 3 storey structure made up from DPM components, whilst the
adjoining concrete building is scratchbuilt around a perspex facade.

Based losely on London prototypes, the buildings are seen here at an advanced stage,
just awaiting some final detailing.

Mocked up in situ' showing the relationship between the loco shed headshunt, and the main line areas.
A few vehicles have been added to liven the scene around the scrapyard, and some retaining walls require final weathering.

A few small details such as the lineside cabling have been fitted at this stage,
before access becomes tricky.

Here are a few detail views of the loco shed. The majority of the shell is made from
perspex, overlaid with sticky tape to represent the glazing bars.

Each track can hold 2 long locos, and they have low level pits, intermediate
level for bogie maintenance, and high level platforms.

A view showing the roof removed. It locates on small dowels, and allows good access inside if needed.

Although almost impossible to see the interior of the offices when the roof is on,
I must have had a few hours to kill back in those days!

Here's a Bachmann Warship model of D861 Vigilant, with extra detailing and weathering.

D861 Vigilant alongside D844 Spartan.

D844 Spartan weathered to 1968 condition.

D844 Spartan showing the NBL raised cooler fan covers and patch paintwork.

D1015 Western Champion as depicted the day before going to Swindon works for painting into BFYE.

The bodyshell of D5204 is pictured soon after application of the markings. When beginning
this project I didn’t rate this livery on the type, and had no worries about covering it with heavy grime,
but after reaching this stage I was beginning to think it looked rather smart - in a 1960s sort of way!
(The completed model was pictured on the website last month).

A general view of Heljan Hymek ‘7076’ which is patiently awaiting final weathering.

Cabside detail on 7076, highlighting the etched numbers and worksplate available from
Shawplan. The low level door handles have been made by embossing 80 thou plasticard with a heated offcut
of thin brass bent into a U-shape and then filed to size at the two tips. The imprint produced is then
carefully trimmed and filed to size to produce the framing surrounding the handle recess. Finally the
completed piece is fitted into a rectangular hole drilled and filed into the door, and set to be just
above flush. The miniature square file (2mmx2mm section) available from Squires and elsewhere is
invaluable for finishing the small holes to the shape required.

Despite being completed some time ago, the LNER J27 0-6-0 ‘65842’ for Hartburn has
eluded the camera. These two general views show the completed model, weathered to the condition of
September 1966 when it was pictured on the Wansbeck line in Northumberland. Four steam enthusiasts
had laboured all night with rags and paraffin to reveal the livery under the grime!

Another view showing the completed 65842. Two further models of the type, made
using the Alexander Models whitemetal kit, are at an advanced stage. These will be finished in a
heavily weathered condition more typical of the type in the 1960s.

A rarely photographed model is 25 052, a re-work of the Hornby Class 25. It has
been back on the workbench recently for fitment of an etched fan grill. Currently it has two of
the original 3-pole Ringfield bogies fitted, which gives good load hauling, but not such good slow
speed performance. This has limited its use on Canada Road, and a conversion to a single 5-pole
power bogie is planned.

Another view of 25 052 showing part of the improved fan grill detail.

Also a rarely seen Canada Road model – Southern Railway ‘B4’ 0-4-0 ‘30096’.
This was one of a batch of three scratchbuilt in the mid-1980s to plans in Model Railway Constructor.
These small sturdy looking engines were built for work within Southampton Docks, but later found use
elsewhere on the SR when the ‘USA’ tanks, and later diesel Class 07s arrived.

30096 again. Built around handmade brass frames and cylinders, with Romford wheels
and a Portescap RG4 motor, the bodywork is mostly plasticard with cast brass fittings. It used to
partner a kit-built Southern ‘Q1’ 0-6-0 during exhibitions, but has been in retirement since appearing
on Canada Road at Southampton show several years ago.

Canada Road used to run 6 of the rivetted version of BR ‘Coal 21’ (MDO) made using
the Ian Kirk kit of the 1980s. As my knowledge of BR wagon stock has grown over the years I came
to realise this did not really reflect the MDO fleet, the majority of which were of welded construction.
Three of the rivetted wagons have been withdrawn, and the parts recovered have gone towards the
replacements pictured here.

Three of the new wagons are of the original welded pattern from the 1950s (Dia 1/107).
These shared common doors and features with the far more numerous 16 ton mineral, although lacking the
small top doors of the standard Coal 16. The basis for the models is the Parkside kit for the 1977
MDO rebuild, but with extra side and end doors added.

The other two models are of the 1973 re-bodied Coal 21 programme. These used
underframes recovered from several types of BR 21 ton or 24 ton coal wagon. The new bodies,
fitted by the BREL workshops, were of the same general style as the Dia 1/107, but featured slightly
changed steel sections for the vertical and horizontal framing. To model this style the bodies are
scratchbuilt in plasticard using spare doors from Airfix 16 tonner kits.

Another variation on the Coal 21 is the vacuum braked wagon (Dia 1/120 code MDV)
recently released in model form by Chivers. It is a well thought out kit, with some clever
construction features. The parts are crisply moulded with very little flash, and superb fit of
all items. It made for a quick/easy build of the type, although the MJT W-irons and brake rods
are my own additions.

Two further examples of the welded re-body type had been modelled some years ago
in 1974 ex-works condition. B316685 is one of these, and has recently had some slight improvements
to the side door hinges to match the new models.

B316688 is the second of the ex-works condition models receiving attention.

The two Dia 1/051 Clay Hoods pictured some time ago on OMWB are now nearing
completion. B743470 is one of these, now just awaiting final weathering.

B743357 is the second of the pair, also set to receive the overall white china
clay staining typical of the type.

A recently completed project is this late version 12 ton van (Dia 1/213). The
model is a combination of the Parkside ply-sided bodyshell and the Red Panda chassis, allowing the
8 shoe clasp-brake pattern to be featured. It has been numbered B780307 to match a worksplate I
picked up at a railwayana sale a while ago.

Another late-ish version of the BR 12 ton van (Dia 1/208) combined plank sides
with plywood doors on the clasp-brake underframe. The model is again a combination of Parkside
and Red Panda parts.

The cab is nearly finished. The basic shell of the rear body is done and a first coat
of paint added to the difficult-to-reach-later bits. Everything was measured by eye for this project - if
it looked right then I was happy!

Another view of the basic rear bodywork. Nothing is stuck to the metal at this point,
just a push fit around existing fixings.

The rear body is now sanded down and the base for the engine is in place. The engine was
salvaged from the original model. The figure inside was once a Langley casting of someone sat on the loo!

The engine cover is complete and the base for the hydraulic hoses.

Cruel cab close up - the 'dent' was caused by too much solvent but it should look
good as a bit of damage on this well worn machine.

The other side. This will be the next section to complete followed by some work on the
crawler frame and then painting.

The green Class 03 has recently been completed, with characteristic fuel spillage
from the bonnet top filler caps, and slightly faded red paint on the bufferbeam. D.2136 was a Bristol
based loco during the late 1960s, and retained the steam-era character style until it was withdrawn during 1972.

D.2136 again, on Canada Road it will be seen in the company of classic western
region diesel-hydraulic traction such as Hymek, D63xx and D95xx locos, as well as a Warship, and D10xx
Westerns in the fullness of time.

The model is pictured after the cabside markings had been applied using Fox
transfers. The Swindon-built 03s were unusual in having a full stop between the ‘D’ and the ‘2’ on
the original hand-painted steam-era numbering style. Although many diesel shunters of the time had
red coupling rods and jackshaft weights, the painters at Swindon must have taken a view that there
was no greater hazard than a typical steam engine, and they were left in an oiled steel finish.

The green pre-TOPS class 03 pictured previously on OMWB has made rapid progress
in the early part of 2010 with a view to appearing on Canada Road at the Basingstoke show in mid-March.
In this view the completed mechanism and bodyshell are being checked for correct fit and ride height.

B777623 is the late-version 12 ton van to BR Diagram 1/208 pictured unpainted
last month, it is shown here in finished condition. The model is a combination of the Parkside plank-side
/ ply-door bodyshell and the Red Panda chassis kit, allowing the correct 8 shoe clasp-brake pattern to be featured.

B312482K is the Coal 21VB made using the excellent Chivers kit and was again
shown unpainted on OMWB last month. The ‘K’ suffix to the running number was a mid-1960s addition aimed
at assisting the correct loading of mineral wagons. ‘K’ denoted a 21ton capacity, ‘L’ and ‘N’ were also
used for other weights during the fairly short time the scheme was in favour. As with almost any BR
livery variation, some always escaped the net, and the wagon is modelled to a photograph from 1978,
several years after the letter suffix system had been removed from most coal wagons.

Another view of the completed Dia 1/120 Coal 21VB. The patch painting on the
centre panel was another common feature of the type, as instructions relating to a dedicated route
circuit were removed in the late 60s, presumably after replacement by merry-go-round hoppers on bulk
coal traffic flows.

The two Dia 1/051 Clay Hoods pictured last month have now been completed. A mix
of matt white and matt varnish has been used for the characteristic all-over clay dusting.

B743357 complete with ghostly white weathering is shown again in this view.

A van project that has been planned for a while is the BR Dia 1/246 Banana
Van. Although based on the standard 12 ton ply-sided van, these had no end vents, added metal
strapping at the lower edge, and revised doors. The bodyshell is pictured at an early stage, with
the added items in white or black plasticard. The 1/246 had recessed doors, with an additional hinge
and more robust locking mechanism, when compared to the more numerous 1/208. The separate door mouldings
of the Parkside kit assist the conversion, as it makes it easy to set them flush with the body panels.
The middle hinges have been taken from some surplus plank doors from the plank-sided van kit used to make B777623.

The Banana van is pictured again with the underframe now added. The model
makes use of the Red Panda kit for the late style clasp-brake running gear.

Another view, showing the model after the application of the basic livery using
a mix of Fox and Modelmasters transfers. The large yellow spot gave quick identification of the
perishable nature of the load, as the similar blue spot marking did for fish vans.

The completed model of the Dia 1/246 van, running number B882117, with a
‘Geest Bananas’ poster applied and typical weathering for the late 1960s. After the loss of banana
traffic to other modes of transport some of these vans saw use as barrier vehicles in chemical-tank trains.

Another view of the completed 1/246 van. The port of Bristol has had a long
association with banana imports, so D.2136 in the Canada Road ‘Bristol 1967’ segway will be sure to shunt this wagon.

The embankment shown in previous photographs has now been completely covered. The
hoover still has to go over the p-way and pick up all the debris from the hanging basket liner - the
only disadvantage I've found with this material. The approach lane has been coated with a mix of the
'Green Scenes' textured paint and a first stab at a bush can be see in a temporary position.
Subsequent experimentation has shown that rubberised horsehair, painted with SR freight brown gives
a good rendition of brambles in winter and this has convinced me to push the modelled season further
towards wintertime. Thankfully the width of the layout precludes any trees being needed so the "trial
by twisted wire" will be avoided. Now where did I put the pestle and mortar for grinding the Green Scene
leaves into smaller pieces.

Having had 4 Airfix Prestwin kits on the shelf for a few years, the time has come to do
something with them. Considering the age of the kit (produced in the 1960s), it resembles an acurate model
of the prototype. The 16 ton mineral wagon is also an old Airfix kit, and is in the works awaiting new buffers,
after a hefty collision. The Bachmann class 46 will be finished in 'cheapo' green livery with
full yellow ends as Peak number 166 (C1970), for the Hornsey Bdy layout project.

Brass ladders and handrails have been fitted to the Prestwins, and this view shows the wagons
with some initial basic weathering.

Spillages often occured around the filling hatches, which resulted in residue on the sides
of the wagons. This has been reproduced by applying thin washes of white paint to the wagon, and putting to
one side to dry. After a couple of days, a diluted mix of PVA glue was brushed onto the top area, and talcum
powder sprinkled around the hatches.

A pictorial view of some of the latest loco projects for Shenston Road, by Greg Brookes.
Starting off with the pre-TOPS period, a Bachmann class 45 split box Peak number 102. All the usual
modifications have been carried out, including nose end grill hinges and body lifting brackets, and
finished off with some light weathering. It is seen here heading a MGR train through Wibdenshaw.

A 'long time on the shelf' project has finally been finished - Heljan 1200 Falcon
takes a well earned rest on Pudsey Junction Stabling Point.

Now moving into the 80s fleet, a brace of ViTrains class 37s have just been completed.
Here 37158 (complete with frost grill) heads a northbound passenger train through Wibdenshaw.

Sister loco 37141 awaits a clear path onto the mainline at Pudsey Junction. Apart from
a quick conversion to EM gauge, and finishing off with weathering, there's very little customising work
required on the ViTrains class 37.

After a bit of a gap whilst other things got in the way, my workbench staggered back into
life in the weeks leading up to Wibdenshaw's appearance at Ally Pally. One of the long lost
projects was a 4 car Class 101 with a trailer brake second (TBS) in the formation, the bodyside
grill on the refubished style doner body, and the not-required water filler point have been filled in.

The stumbling block on the 101 had been how to fit a power unit into the brake area. Many
motor bogie units had been considered but the real impetus came when Mr Wibble replaced one of
the 'pancake' power bogies in one of his class 110s, as pictured above. It's the latest type
Hornby unit - a 5 pole skew wound self contained motor bogie (as fitted in the re-released
Lima [Limby] 101). The required modifications were made to the trailer chassis, and the bodies
from a DMBS & TCL were cut and joined to make the TBS. Photo's of the work in-progress appear below.

On the brake compartment the guards door on this side had to be altered to the right
configuration. The body joint is at the far end passenger door and was positioned to take advantage of
one of the roof panel moulded joints, to aid hiding it as most of the time the roof would be the part
most people would look at.

Undercoated to see the blemishes. As this was a pre-refurb' vehicle, the rain strips were
removed from the body (except over the doors).

The other side undercoated and looking good so far, awaiting its all over blue livery.

The finished article, in a hybrid formation which includes a trailer buffet, details of
which are on previous OMWB pages. As per my DMU stock for Wibdenshaw, it is fitted with Kadees and both ends
have card corridor connector fill pieces. As it is acting as a power vehicle in the modelled set, both ends
have them to allow flexibility in the formations. At Ally Pally this vehicle ran in a 4 car set with a
class 101 DMC, and class 104 TS & DMC. With a little bit of lead weight added right above the motor mount,
it is capable of hauling 8 vehicles around Wibdenshaw if needed. The motor is also very free running and
responsive. I will add some photo's showing the motor bogie when I find where I've hidden them on the
computer and also of the 4 car class 108 powered along the same lines.

Changing the bogie centres from the original Hornby arrangement (modified class 110
chassis), to the correct class 103 centres using the latest Hornby motor bogie. This side on shot of the
DMBS still had some issues with bogie ride heights when the shot was taken, and later corrected.

Note the cut-out on the left side of the mount - to clear the brake section window.
This is effectively a modified modification!

On the trailing bogie of the motor coach, the re-located pivot point is shown, to get
the correct distance of 40ft.

And back in service again.

Third and last part of my recent DMU-ing is this Class 108 four-car set. Bachmann plastic
bodyshells, so just normal cut & shut techniques.

These first two views show the modified TBS bodyshell, before door bars are fitted.

And now with the door bars added.

These were a regular fitment for some DMUs in the north east, due to limited
clearances on certain lines.

The finished set formed of DMC (de-clasified), TBS, TSL & DMS.

J39 64897 picks up a loaded van from the long siding. J39's weren't seen on the Rothbury
branch in reality but the Bachmann model is nice. This will be converted to EM using the EMGS conversion
kit. These images show the new fence and bushes that have recently been added, using a variety of materials.

The low bramble bush is made from rubberised horse-hair, courtesy of Green Scene,
sprayed with SR freight
brown with a misting of Humbrol 29 over the top. The remnants of the leaves of the bramble bush are
Woodland scenics course turf in medium and conifer green. The other bushes are made from Welsh lichen,
a much finer and varied plant than that regularly sold over the counter. Fencing is the Ratio lineside
variety, painted in a green/yellow/grey mix to represent a moss-covered fence.

B201623 is one of the Coal 21 kit-conversions previously pictured unpainted on OMWB.
It is shown here in the basic livery prior to weathering.

B315077 is another of the five Coal 21s built recently, this time to the re-bodied
style. It is pictured after the initial application of rust spots, but still lacking underframe paint
and final general grime. The rust patches are applied using a mix of Revell 84 and black, to shapes
and positions seen on photographs. The right-hand door looks to have been subject to weld repairs
at the frame joints….but with no attempt to make good the paint afterwards!

The ‘Trestle EA’ has been a wagon type featured on Canada Road for many years
thanks to a scratch-built example based on scale plans of the BR Plate wagon and a single photo of
the Trestle conversion in an early David Larkin book. More recently the Parkside kit of the type has
become available, so one was bought with the idea of replacing the ‘guesstimated’ original. The kit
is pictured fresh from basic painting, with the running number still to be applied.

Comparison with the kit, and further published photographs, showed the scratch-build
not to be too out of scale. As a result it has actually been improved and retained. This view shows
the ‘back’ of the wagon where better cross-bracing and chain pockets have been fitted, the underframe
has also been enhanced. With some of the original weathered paint still in evidence, B920272 nears completion.

The Parkside kit provides the sides and ends from the basic Plate wagon kit, with
additional parts to make the trestle. Study of several available photographs suggests that a changed
(fixed) side was employed on the type, rather than the drop-doors of the Plate. This view of the
‘front’ of finished E260259 shows the single-piece metal side which would look to have been fitted
during the conversion to the Trestle EA of the ex-LNER Plate wagon.

E260259 again, showing the two chain pockets at the back of the trestle. The
Parkside kit has also been enhanced with 5 thou plasticard brackets added between the timbers
of the trestle frame.

The finished re-work of B920272, modelled to a typical late 1960s appearance.

A recent kit conversion has been this Palwag/Palbrick adapted from the Parkside
model of the Dia 1/019 steel-sided Medfit. The original is pictured in the Rowland BR wagons
book and may have been an early prototype for the Palbrick A & B, as these lacked the fixed steel
ends of the Medfit and had simplified end brace stanchions.

Another view of the Palwag showing the two load clamping beams which could be moved
using the cross-handles located at one end of the wagon. The four drop-in plywood side panels caused
some interesting livery variations for the real wagons as they often carried the running number, yet
could be swopped between wagons, or position. Some pictures show two different running numbers
side-by-side on the same wagon!

The black and white pieces have been added in plasticard, being a mix of 5, 10, and
20 thou thicknesses. Some pieces of moulded plastic angle were also used.

The new Class 04 has seen a surge in progress, and the chassis has recently been
completed. This is based on the Branchlines kit, but has been finished with the smaller 3’ 3” wheels
fitted to the early members of the class.

An Alexander Models North-British Class 16 kit has also been started, and has
progressed to a basic bodyshell. The casting of the square vent grills was a bit coarse, so cut-outs
have been made ready for plastic inserts to replace these features, but otherwise the fit and detailing
of the parts is to the usual excellent standard.

Despite their short service lives, mostly barely 10 years, the class saw some
modifications. The kit represents the as-delivered condition, but as this project is for a late 1960s
period the cab door and side window require alterations. A recess for the door handle has been prepared,
and some very careful work with a file and soldering iron has seen the side window extended downwards
slightly. The hunt is still on for good photographs showing the roof walkway arrangement (can any
readers help?!) and the NRM have suggested a tantalising list of documents held on archive which might
give some clues – only trouble is York is not that handy for Gloucester……

Side view - while it could never be described as a scale model of a Hymac 580B, it
captures the flavour rather better then the original Volvo and proved a nice low-key project. None of
the working bits have been modified - they were too nice to tinker with.

I left the bucket rather than fit a scrap handling clam-shell grab as it was so nice.
The machine is now destined for a future project where the bucket will prove more useful.

The Langley 'driver' looks happier in the cab rather than the 'rest room' he was originally
intended for...his lowered trousers have been hoisted up courtesy of some filler... The scrap coils are
thin paper wrapped round a pencil.

OMWB this month - A couple of Bachmann Peaks, split headcode Class 45, number 77 is making slow
progress, and D166 is a class 46 in 'cheapo' green livery with full yellow ends, nearly finished. A
Hornby motor bogie can be seen in the background ready for fitting to a class 110 DMU. The extreme
etchings by Shawplan will be for a class 37, and I hope to make a start on this shortly.

This shows the replacement motor bogie as fitted to a Hornby class 110. The frame is
fabricated from .100" black plasticard, and cut-outs made for adjacent windows. A central
pivot hole allows the bogie unit to be removed for attention, and clips back in with ease. The old style
'ringfield' type motor bogies (visible in the background) have now been removed from the Wibdenshaw fleet
of DMUs, in preference of the latest style unit as fitted in the re-released [Limby] class 101. The
reason for the widespread change of motor bogie, was the lack of control, and high maintenance downtime
with the old Ringfield mech's. Most of Paul James DMUs now feature the new motor bogie as well.

Another couple of views of the milk float depot, which will form part of a scene on Hornsey Broadway

All the depots vehicles have been painted in a two tone blue livery.
This 'Basetoys' 3 axle Ford has printed sides and ends affixed to the box. The 3-wheel floats are by
'Oxford', and the 'Lesney Matchbox' milk floats are a good scale representation.