    by Steve Harrod

The classic image of Worcester Road, 803 Albion inside the shed in 1970. This is a early image
during the layout's development, as there is more detail to add to the shed floor as you will
see in the accompanying images.

D2136 at rest. The concept of Worcester Rd was inspired by an article that featured in the
MRJ issue 109 (1999) where Paul Karau offered an idea of displaying model locomotives in a
self contained authentic setting.

This coupled with a meeting of my favourite railway modeller John Dornom
and his absolutely amazing `Roundhouse` cemented the idea I had burning in my minds eye of
building the inside of Gloucester Horton Rd Diesel repair shed 85B, albeit with an extra
road for added interest to display my Gauge 1 1/32nd locomotives and stock.

D601 Ark Royal in the doorway. Worcester Road is a straight-road shed, 10ft x 2ft wide, and
operated from the front. The scenic / diorama engine shed board is 6ft with 4ft for the
fiddle yard.

862 Viking is readied for the next duty by her crew, as D6327 receives minor attention. The
shed structure has the side wall of the building removed to give a widescreen pillar-box
aperture for viewing into the shed, the viewer is encouraged to get down low and
appreciate the vista from ground level.

D838 Rapid in close up, noting the patches of prestolith which have dropped off.

D844 Spartan on number 2 road.

D6327 at Worcester Road.

Not to be moved - D854 Tiger awaits the fitters attention. When you get close enough to the
model, the viewer becomes part of it and can quite believe they are in the shed with the
locomotives, especially if the outer edges of the structure are beyond
the viewer’s peripheral vision.
The following images feature some of the loco parts being made during the Summer of 2020.

The front bulkhead for the D600er has had a lot more extra detail added - de-misters added
next to the air
operated windscreen wiper motors, switch and electrical plug added to the right hand side of
the connecting door, builders & operating plate, and all the panels on the secondman side
scratchbuilt. Ashtrays added on both the Driver and secondmans side.

The seats come with the D600 kit, however I have added the mechanism underneath that allows
the pedestal seat to go up or down.

The cabinets on the rear bulkhead also come as a kit, again the only item I have added is
the raised cover for the access door to the transmission. On the right is the BTH control
cubicle showing Warning lights, power handle (top) direction selector (bottom) and the
engine on/ff switches. I have also added the control key located in the side.
I have still to add the BTH logo to the black circle

These figures are both from the Modelu range, which are terrific as they save cobbling together
many German military figures to make an ideal BR WR driver or secondman.

To finish off this page, here's a preview of Rob Mabbett's Gauge 1 shunters on his depot
layout. A Ruston & Hornsby PWM is joined by a pair of nearly finished BR Class 03s.