A view from the end of the street. The empty shop carcase will become a newsagent eventually,
featuring all the suitable magazines from the era and a full interior (the staircase can just
about be seen inside). The underside of the bridge will be fully detailed.
Trackplan - The original rough sketch for Roath, which featured a representation of the line
upto Radyr. Since this was drawn the idea of the running line has been abolished as it just
didn't look right when mocked up. Beside, it should of been double track to represent the
'Valley line' properly.

Just one of the locos that will be featured on the Roath layout. Based on the Hornby model
and has received the correct exhaust ports and a partial repaint and weathering. Rewheeling
was completed with the Ultrascale wheel sets, and all that's need to finish it off is ICM
buffer beam pipes and coupling bars.

A very quick project this one - a simple 'P4ing', loading and weathering of a Bachmann
Diag.1/072 sand wagon, all it needs now is some couplings.

Here's one of the first pieces of rolling stock approaching completion for Roath and a
a bit of a landmark, as it's the first of many BR 12T vans for the layout. A Parkside
body with bits from various other manufactures, awaiting vac cylinders, roves and couplings
before being rolled out.

Scenic work being carried out on Roath. The buildings in the background enhance the scene
of this South Wales based layout.

Roath scene 01.

A Heljan Falcon can be seen trundling along the track at Roath. The houses in the
foreground have been cast from resin, and typify the Cardiff street scene of the
early 1970s. A familiar local brewery advertisment appears on the railway bridge

Vans at Roath 01.

Vans at Roath 02.

Vans at Roath 03.
