The layout portrays part of a fictitious secondary railway route in the North East, which
at one time linked the coastal route north from Hartlepool with the freight line between
Ferryhill and Newcastle. Easington Lane station lies approximately midway along this route.

The line between Easington Lane and the Ferryhill route has now been closed and the track lifted,
with the line to Hartlepool retained to serve local industry. A token passenger service remains.

Freight trains serve a small factory complex and a cement distribution terminal occupies
part of the former goods yard. Motive power is provided by Thornaby or Gateshead locomotives.
The passenger services are in the hands of Metro-Cammell dmu's. All buildings are loosely based
upon examples to be found in the Wearside / Teeside area to provide a flavour of the locality.

Trackwork consists of C&L pointwork with SMP for the remainder. Rolling Stock is a mixture of
modified ready-to-run and kit built items. The period modelled is currently set around 1976.
The size of the layout is 10' x 2'6" and comes with its own lighting pelmet which is 7'
above floor level.

Pete Johnson's Canada Road regular class 03 at Easington Lane.
