The Brewery layout was built for the 2002 DEMU small layout competition, that among other
things stipulated that it must not exceed an area of 654sq ins and have at least one
working turnout. The track plan was arrived at using some copper-clad built points that
we already had in stock, with a traverser to save space and for access to the grain unloading shed.
We chose to model a Brewery as we like beer! Such a prototype would also allow industrial
buildings and a variety of wagon types. The wagons that can be seen are opens, vans, coal,
grain and the odd internal user. The buildings are from the HO scale Walthers meat packing warehouse kit.

The baseboard is built as a single unit with legs that plug into pockets underneath. The
layout gives a chance to show a varied display of shunters and wagon types some which are
scratchbuilt. We wanted to build a layout that would be of use beyond the competition and
be interesting to operate too, and as such it has exceeded the original design brief. The
layout was sold to Nigel Hawkins of the Gloucester Model Railway Club and continues to
appear at exhibitions in a slightly extended format.